Tuesday, November 6, 2007

Spiderman 3

My perspective of Spiderman 3
(watching it at the very moment!)

I just got the amazing DVD today.
Before I start must I say the tagline is pretty creative for three words. "The battle within." It truley makes me want to go and spend ten dollars for three hours of fun! :] Its so good ive watched it once already. But what gets me is the second scene where the man breaks out of prison and crawls into his daughters room. Its pure love...
Its all of the reason im crying right now. :-(
But they seem like tears of joy, because it is such an amazing movie.
Oh snap! He was going to propose to her.
Sorry if im spoiling anything if you havent yet seen it but its very hard to kep it in.
Oh dang, another good part.
Its such a thrilling movie and Topher Grace makes an extremely fantastic Venom.
And dont even get me started on Mary Jane.
She seems so sweet and innocent, and she is.

But Spiderman becomes "Emo (emotional)" as some people would say. Personally I think he just has his moments of furry and rage. Its very mindwhirling when your in a situation like Peters though. Loosing his girlfriend and his bestfriend... He is loosing everything he has and yet its so interesting, wow, im getting way too in to it...
But when your watching this movie listen to the music, it fits so perfectly into every scene giving it the most dramatic effect ive ever witnessed! The screenplay writers Sam Raimi and Ivan Raimi are superb! Sam is also the director and does the best job of visual effects and different green screen scenes. Wow, say that 5 time fast, green screen scenes... Hahaha!
But there is rumors of a Spiderman Four! If so then im so excited! Ooh, another good part! Im in love with this movie! Oh snap, suprizing parts make my head twist. Oh dear, Peter is dancing on the side of the road. Very disturbing. Hahaha!Well thats enough for now. But in the end out of five i give it maybe 4.999999 stars.
I cant wait until Pirates 3 comes out, thats going to be an even more interesting review! :]
P.S. My favorite line of the movie is "Im not a bad person, I just had some bad luck." Obviously spoken in my favorite scene. So dramatic... Thank you for reading my first blog & first rewiew. May not be much but its my best! For now at least. :]

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